Shipping is available to all 50 US States, via UPS, Southwest Air Cargo or Alaska Air Cargo.
We are now offering FREE shipping for all of our specialty packs, 1/8ths and 1/4ths. Individual cuts, offal, merchandise, halves and wholes do not have free shipping. We charge a flat rate for merchandise shipping. Our preferred shipping method for bulk quantities like halves and wholes is Southwest Air Cargo or Alaska Air Cargo (more information below).
SOUTHWEST AIR CARGO INFORMATION: We prefer Southwest Air Cargo as it is affordable and a sure way to keep the beef cold as it travels to you. Shipping with SWA requires pickup at the airport nearest you. If you are interested in Southwest Air Cargo pickup, please visit this link to view the pickup locations: If you choose this shipping method we will be in touch with you about the date that works best for both parties. When using Southwest Air Cargo, we drop off the boxes at the Denver International Airport or Omaha Airport. Your beef is kept in refrigerated coolers at the departure and arrival airport, and can be picked up at your convenience. Most times, the beef will arrive to your airport the same day we drop it off at the airport. Our availability to drive to DIA for drop-off depends on the month, but if you place an order using this delivery system we will be in contact with you about our timing and your availability to pickup at the airport.
UPS GROUND OR 3-DAY SELECT: The next best option for shipping is through UPS Ground. Our orders are packed into boxes with insulation and dry ice to keep the beef as cold as possible. The dry ice will most likely dissipate by the time it arrives to you. We will be in contact with you about when your order is shipping along with a UPS Tracking Number. It should take about 3-4 days to get to you once shipped, we typically ship bi-weekly, sometimes more frequently. As long as the beef is still frozen, partially frozen, or cool to the touch when it arrives to you, all is well, and the beef can be refrozen.
If you receive your beef and it is not cool, cold, or frozen, please contact us. Always be conscious of food safety protocols to ensure you are consuming safe products.
UPS Shipping:
December 2nd + 9th + 16th
Air Shipping: December 15th
CO Delivery: December 15th
NE Delivery: December 10th
We are continuing our Nebraska and Colorado routes. Pickup along these routes is convenient for us, so we are offering a 'Pickup Rebate' for customers that can meet us at those pickup points or ANYWHERE on the routes. If one of the pickup points works for you, select it at checkout. If you want to meet on the route, please still select the nearest pickup point and leave a note in the order that you would like to meet somewhere else. We will be in touch with all pickup customers to confirm our timing.
Our pickup rebates are as follows:
$50 Rebate on all Specialty Packs
$75 Rebate on Eigths
$150 Rebate on Quarters
10% Rebate on Individual Cuts, Offal, Merchandise, etc.
Nebraska Pickup Route:
(From Lakeside, NE)
Broken Bow
Saint Paul
Grand Island
North Platte
Colorado Pickup Route: (Leaves from Lakeside, NE)
Alliance + Scottsbluff (NE)
Cheyenne (WY)
Fort Collins
CO Springs
Fort Morgan
Sidney + Bridgeport (NE)

When purchasing online, a credit or debit card is required for purchase. For in-person orders, cash or checks may be accepted.